MIXMUX Duo by Mididope is an agile dual sequencer which rhythmizes the notes of incoming MIDI chords with impressive flexibility for real-time control.

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The playback logic resembles that of an arpeggiator but can additionally be adjusted in a way similar to a step sequencer. This allows Mixmux Duo to be much more flexible than both of the above, thus making it the perfect instrument for live performances of electronic music as well as creative studio processes.

The incoming notes are used as input for two separate agile sequencers, in which no static sequences are defined, but variable patterns of how, when and with which probability the notes will again be produced as output. Similar to a DJ setup, the crossfader ultimately determines which notes will actually be played by which sequencer.
With Mixmux Duo, musical creativity is not just about adjusting sliders or knobs, but about playing or performing your own expandable basic compositions. Simply follow your mood and inspiration or interact with other musicians, and your music will come to life.


  • 2 Agile Sequencers
  • Crossfader to toggle between the sequencers
  • Toggling behaviour determined by threshhold or probability
  • 2 Main sliders to control the overall dynamics of each sequencer
  • Key filter
  • Adaptable user interface
  • Chance adjustable for each step
  • Single note, interval or chord chooseable for each step
  • Positive or negative delay for each step
  • Arpeggio assignable for each step
  • Subecho inside each step
  • Control slider for each multislider unit (restrictable range or invertable)
  • Control slider for each multislider unit (restrictable range or invertable)
  • Each step can be fixed or be affected by the main slider
  • Different play modes: Link, Sync or Live (to control Ableton Live)
  • Two hold modes for live playing
  • KEYDOPE included - a simple one key chord generator


System Requirements

Ableton Live Suite 9-12 with Max for Live 8.1 / Ableton Live Standart with an Max for Live License

To install Max for Live Devices please read the FAQ


Man könnte das als eine Art cleveren Arpeggiator im Stile des Microkorg bezeichnen, der etwas variiert wird, weil es einfach zwei davon gibt, die über die „Mittelpanel-Steuerung“ hin und her geschoben werden und erhalten damit neue Muster und Rhythmik. Wer mag, könnte das auch eine Art Pattern-Morphing bezeichnen


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